Contact Information

Mailing Address and Location
State Personnel Board
[include division, program name, or attention to]
801 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
Office hours are Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holildays.

Executive Officer Suzanne Ambrose
Telephone Number: (916) 653-1028

Chief Counsel Alvin Gittisriboongul
Telephone Number: (916) 653-1403

Chief, Compliance Review Division, Michelle La Grandeur
Telephone Number: (916) 651-0924

Chief, Policy Division, Michelle La Grandeur (Acting)
Telephone Number: (916) 651-0924

Supervising Administrative Law Judge, Appeals Division, Amy Friedman
Telephone number: (916) 651-3899

Appeals information
Telephone Number: (916) 653-0799

Appeals Calendaring
Telephone Number: (916) 653-5505

Compliance Review
Telephone Number: (916) 651-0924

State Personnel Board's Tribal Liaison, Monica Erickson
Telephone Number: (916) 322-5193

Technical Issues