Contact Information
Mailing Address and Location
State Personnel Board
[include division, program name, or attention to]
801 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
Office hours are Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holildays.
State Personnel Board
[include division, program name, or attention to]
801 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
Office hours are Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holildays.
Executive Officer Suzanne Ambrose
Chief Counsel Alvin Gittisriboongul
Chief, Compliance Review Division, Michelle La Grandeur
Chief, Policy Division, Michelle La Grandeur (Acting)
Supervising Administrative Law Judge, Appeals Division, Amy Friedman
Telephone Number: (916) 653-1028
Chief Counsel Alvin Gittisriboongul
Telephone Number: (916) 653-1403
Chief, Compliance Review Division, Michelle La Grandeur
Telephone Number: (916) 651-0924
Chief, Policy Division, Michelle La Grandeur (Acting)
Telephone Number: (916) 651-0924
Supervising Administrative Law Judge, Appeals Division, Amy Friedman
Telephone number: (916) 651-3899
Appeals information
Appeals Calendaring
Compliance Review
State Personnel Board's Tribal Liaison, Monica Erickson
Technical Issues
Telephone Number: (916) 653-0799
Appeals Calendaring
Telephone Number: (916) 653-5505
Compliance Review
Telephone Number: (916) 651-0924
State Personnel Board's Tribal Liaison, Monica Erickson
Telephone Number: (916) 322-5193
Technical Issues