Compliance Review Division General Information

Pursuant to Government Code section 18661, the SPB Compliance Review Division (CRD) conducts reviews of an appointing authority's personnel practices to ensure compliance with civil service laws, rules, and policies. Currently, these reviews focus on: examinations, appointments, equal employment opportunity, personal services contracts, mandated training, compensation and pay, leave, nepotism, workers' compensation, and probation reports.

These reviews are conducted on a three-year cycle. When conducting an audit, the CRD may review documentation related to personnel practices and interview an appointing authority's staff. Upon completion of a review, the CRD may issue a report including findings and requests for corrective action. Entrance and exit conferences are held with each appointing authority to explain the initial scope of the review and then to discuss report findings.

The CRD also conducts special investigations when sufficient facts are alleged to suggest a violation of state civil service laws and regulations or the merit principle. Such investigations are conducted without regard to the source of information alleging improprieties. If an appointing authority's personnel practices, policies, and procedures are found deficient, the appointing authority shall be subject to corrective action. The law does not provide remedies to individuals. Consequently, findings that are made as a result of special investigations do not give rise to individual remedies and are not reported directly to individual complainants.

Contact Information

Compliance Review Division E-mail Address

Compliance Review Unit Phone Number
(916) 651-0924

Compliance Review Unit FAX Line