State Personnel Board Decisions Personal Services Contracts

These decisions are not designated precedential but are posted here for informational purposes only. They are not binding on the Board in future cases, but may be cited by parties for their persuasive value.

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How to View the Personal Services Contracts:

To view a Personal Services Contract listed in the table below, click the corresponding table row. The Personal Services Contracts can be sorted by clicking on the column headers at the top.

Personal Services Contracts

Case NumberAppellantRespondentDecisionService TypeJustification
PSC97-01 | PSC97-01 - Text Only (RTF) ACSACALTRANSDisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC97-02 | PSC97-02 - Text Only (RTF) CSEACALTRANSDisapprovedProperty ManagementGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(4)
PSC97-03 | PSC97-03 - Text Only (RTF) CSEAOESApprovedEmergency ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (10)
PSC97-04 | PSC97-04 - Text Only (RTF) PUTCSEADisapprovedLicensing FunctionsGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC98-01 | PSC98-01 - Text Only (RTF) CAPT/CSEADDSApprovedSettlement Agreement Compliance ReviewGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC98-04 | PSC98-04 - Text Only (RTF) CSEADVAApprovedJanitorial, Food and Laundry ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (a)
PSC99-02 | PSC99-02 - Text Only (RTF) CIWMBCSEADisapprovedCollecting and Compiling Confidential InformationGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (10)
PSC00-01 | PSC00-01 - Text Only (RTF) DPAACSADisapprovedArbitation ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(2), (3), (5)
PSC00-03 | PSC00-03 - Text Only (RTF) SCIFACSADisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3), (5), (8), (10)
PSC00-04 | PSC00-04 - Text Only (RTF) CSEACPUCApprovedAuditing ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC01-04 | PSC01-04 - Text Only (RTF) CDFCSEADisapprovedMedical ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC01-05 | PSC01-05 - Text Only (RTF) IUOECDFAApprovedMaintenance ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(1), (10)
PSC01-08 | PSC01-08 - Text Only (RTF) CSCIUOEDisapprovedGrounds Maintenance ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(8), (10)
PSC01-09 | PSC01-09 - Text Only (RTF) DPRCAPSDisapprovedScientific AnalysesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (8)
PSC02-01 | PSC02-01 - Text Only (RTF) DPRCAPSDisapprovedRequest for ReviewGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC02-02 | PSC02-02 - Text Only (RTF) IUOESPBApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(7), (10)
PSC03-01 | PSC03-01 - Text Only (RTF) CASECDFAApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC03-02 | PSC03-02 - Text Only (RTF) CSEACDCApprovedNursing ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC03-03 | PSC03-03 - Text Only (RTF) DVACSEADisapprovedContract Subject: Veterans HomesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC03-04 | PSC03-04 - Text Only (RTF) CDE/McGeorgeCASEApprovedSpecial Education Mediation Conferences and Due Process HearingsGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC03-06, 03-07, 03-08 | PSC03-06, 03-07, 03-08 - Text Only (RTF) SCIFCSEADisapprovedPayroll Auditing, Clerical and Claims Adjusting ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (8), (10)
PSC03-09 and 10 | PSC03-09 and 10 - Text Only (RTF) CDICASEDisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC04-01 and 02 | PSC04-01 and 02 - Text Only (RTF) CSEADHSDismissedReview of Existing ContractsGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC04-04 | PSC04-04 - Text Only (RTF) CASESOS/RenneDisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC04-05 | PSC04-05 - Text Only (RTF) CASECDEApprovedSpecial Education Mediation Conferences and Due Process HearingsGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC04-06 | PSC04-06 - Text Only (RTF) RWQBCAPSApprovedInvestigation Monitoring, and Remediation of Soil and/or Groundwater ContaminationGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC04-813A | PSC04-813A - Text Only (RTF) IUOECSCBoard Jurisdiction FoundMaintenance and Grounds Keeping ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (a)
PSC05-01 | PSC05-01 - Text Only (RTF) CASEDHSApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC05-02 | PSC05-02 - Text Only (RTF) IUOEDOTDismissedDrilling ServicesArticle XXII of the Constitution and Gov. Code, § 4529.10, et. Seq.
PSC05-03 | PSC05-03 - Text Only (RTF) SEIUDHSApprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC05-04 | PSC05-04 - Text Only (RTF) CASESOSApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC05-07 | PSC05-07 - Text Only (RTF) DGSSEIUDisapprovedCustodial ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (a)
PSC06-02 | PSC06-02 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMECDCRDisapprovedPsychologist ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (10)
PSC06-04 | PSC06-04 - Text Only (RTF) ARBSEIUDisapprovedHearing Reporter Transcription ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC06-05 | PSC06-05 - Text Only (RTF) CHPSEIUDisapprovedCustodial ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (8)
PSC07-01 | PSC07-01 - Text Only (RTF) CHPSEIUDisapprovedCustodial ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (8)
PSC07-02 | PSC07-02 - Text Only (RTF) DHSSEIUDisapprovedJanitorial ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(8), (10)
PSC07-04 | PSC07-04 - Text Only (RTF) DMHAFSCMEDisapprovedPsychological ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC07-05 | PSC07-05 - Text Only (RTF) DOTSEIUDisapprovedJanitorial ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(8), (10)
PSC08-01 | PSC08-01 - Text Only (RTF) SEIUDGSApprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(4)
PSC08-02 | PSC08-02 - Text Only (RTF) DDSSEIUDisapprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC08-04 | PSC08-04 - Text Only (RTF) ReceiverAFSCMEApprovedRecreational and Occupational Therapist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC08-06 | PSC08-06 - Text Only (RTF) DHCSSEIUPartially Approved and DisapprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (5),(10)
PSC08-07 | PSC08-07 - Text Only (RTF) DDSSEIUDisapprovedJanitorial ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC08-10 | PSC08-10 - Text Only (RTF) SEIUDGSPartially Approved and DisapprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (10)
PSC08-11 | PSC08-11 - Text Only (RTF) DMVSEIUPartially Approved and DisapprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (5),(10)
PSC08-13 | PSC08-13 - Text Only (RTF) EDDSEIUDisapprovedInformation Technology ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-01 | PSC09-01 - Text Only (RTF) DGSSEIUDisapprovedSecurity Guard ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-02 | PSC09-02 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMEDMHApprovedPharmacist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-03 | PSC09-03 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMEDVAApprovedPharmacist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC09-04 | PSC09-04 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMECDCRPartially Approved and DisapprovedPsychologist and Social Worker ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-05 | PSC09-05 - Text Only (RTF) DSSAFSCMEDisapprovedPsychologist ServicesGov. Code, §§ 19130, subd. (b)(3), (10)
PSC09-06 | PSC09-06 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMEDDSApprovedSocial Worker ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-07 | PSC09-07 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMEDDSApprovedDietitian ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-08 | PSC09-08 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMEDDSApprovedPharmacist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC09-09 | PSC09-09 - Text Only (RTF) DVASEIUDisapprovedFood Purchases, Preparation , and Nutrition ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (a)(2)
PSC10-01 | PSC10-01 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMECDCRDisapprovedPharmacist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC10-02 | PSC10-02 - Text Only (RTF) DDSSEIUDisapprovedCommunity Program Assessment ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(2)
PSC10-03 | PSC10-03 - Text Only (RTF) AFSCMECDCRApprovedPharmacist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC10-04 | PSC10-04 - Text Only (RTF) CDCRAFSCMEDisapprovedClinical Social Worker and Psychologist ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)
PSC98-04 - Errata | PSC98-04 - Errata - Text Only (RTF) CSEADVAApprovedJanitorial, Food and Laundry ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (a)
PSC12-01 | PSC12-01 - Text Only (RTF) CDCRIUOEDisapprovedPest Control ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC12-02 | PSC12-02 - Text Only (RTF) CDCRCASEDisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, §§19130, subdivision (b)(3), (b)(10)
PSC13-01 | PSC13-01 - Text Only (RTF) CDCRCASEDisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3), (b)(8), (b)(10)
PSC15-01 | PSC15-01 - Text Only (RTF) CDCROrkin Pest ControlDisapprovedPersonal Services ContractGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC16-01 | PSC16-01 - Text Only (RTF) CASESCIFDisapprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3) and (b)(5)
PSC16-02 | PSC16-02 - Text Only (RTF) CASESCIFApproved in Part and Disapproved in PartLegal ServicesGov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(3) and Gov. Code, § 19130, subd. (b)(10)
PSC19-0015(b) | PSC19-0015(b) - Text Only (RTF) AFSCME/CDCRCDCR/AFSCMEApproved in Part / Disapproved in PartMedical ServicesGov. Code § 19130, subd. (b) (3), (10)
PSC22-01 | PSC22-01 - Text Only (RTF) CASEDFEHApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code § 19130, subd. (b)(7) and (b)(7)
PSC24-01 | PSC24-01 - Text Only (RTF) California High Speed Rail AuthorityCASEApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code § 19130, subds. (b)(3) and (b)(10)
PSC24-02 | PSC24-02 - Text Only (RTF) CDCRCASEApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code § 19130, subd. (b)(3)
PSC24-03 | PSC24-03 - Text Only (RTF) CASEDepartment of JusticeApprovedLegal ServicesGov. Code § 19130, subd. (b)(3)